Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment, including House points across the school.

  • Terrible News!

    Thu 18 Jun 2020
    Terrible News in Nursery! The pupils are looking for Bog Baby who is lost! They have made posters to remind people to look for him Please help (if you haven't heard this story, Mrs Shelton is telling the story over on the Nursery page).
  • A Glimpse of Return

    Wed 10 Jun 2020

    We have now been back to school for 8 days, with Years 1, 6, Reception and Nursery. If you are wondering what this looks like, it is very different! Our biggest class is 12 pupils, and the children are having breaks and lunch time in their 'bubbles' or groups. This does mean that the class groups are not seeing each other, which is a shame. Pupils wash their hands when they come into school, and during the day. Staff use gloves when they are handling books, so they are not passing germs from book to book.

    All of the children are having lots of interventions and one-to-one teaching, which means that they are making great progress. Mathematics and English lessons run in much the same way, with Power of Reading focused lessons in the morning. Phonics is still taking place in small groupa. We are not letting any workmen/women in to school, neither are we letting teachers who are not our own, or parents into school. This protects the pupils and staff from risk of infection. If you would like to discuss any concerns you have, do not hesitate to contact the school office.

  • Welcome Back!

    Mon 01 Jun 2020 Mrs McGarrigle

    Today we were delighted to welcome back many of our pupils from Nursery, Reception, Years 1 and 6. School feels very different at the moment, with all of the children being taught in very small, safe groups. Sadly, the groups will not be mixing with each other during the day, and even meals will be shared in the classroom, but I can assure you that lots and lots of learning is taking place and life, for us, is beginning to return to normal. Home learning will mirror the daily lessons, and will be uploaded by Miss Orpin to all of the class pages. Please call us if you have a problem. There is also a daily worship (assembly) with children in school and online. If your child is a member of the school community, and would like to join us at 1pm, please text your email address to us using the school system.

    Please remember that we are here, and if you need our support you can call the school office on 01322 665212.

    The risk assessment for our return to school can be found on the newsletter page.