Carle Class Nursery

Welcome to Carle Class Nursery!


Class teacher - Miss Beth Runeckles

Nursery nurse - Mrs Angela Kelly

PPA teacher - Mrs Rebecca Kelly



We offer flexible hours in our 3 and 4 year old room, and are open at 8:30am until 3:30pm. We offer 30 hour full time places for 3 and 4 year olds from 9am-3pm with the option to extend from 8:30am-3:30pm.

We also offer 15 hour places across Monday to Friday which have to be taken as either 5 morning sessions from 8:30am-11:30am or 5 afternoon sessions from 12:30pm-3:30pm. 

We accept 30 hour childcare codes. Please obtain your code from the website


For further information please contact Miss Edwards on 01322 665212. 

A Day in the Life for Carle Class

Developing gross motor skills are very important, as children need to master these skills to help them to write and form letters. These muscles are developed by encouraging the children to take part in physical activities, such as climbing, balancing, dancing and crawling.


In nursery we do lots of 'Funky Finger' activities, this helps the children with their fine motor skills. These activities help the children to develop the muscles in their fingers, which will help the children develop their writing skills.

Our Previous Learning Boards

Term 1 - Prepositions

Welcome back to our children from the last academic year, and welcome to our new children who have joined Carle class! The children have had a fantastic start with our first topic 'All About Me'. We looked at similarities and differences we had between each other and our families, and dived into lots of painting for our self-portraits and trees. 


This term, we will also be looking at 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen, and Rosie's Walk by Pat Hutchins. 

The children have enjoyed a variety of activities in the classroom and outside!

Our all about me trees!

We have been developing our phonological awareness by focusing on sounds.

Graduation 2024

To all of our superstars in Carle class,


We cannot believe this year has come to an end, but we are so immensely proud of every single one of you. You have worked your socks off and persevered with every challenge we have given you, and we are so impressed with the progress you have all made. On behalf of myself, Mrs Kelly and Mrs Deal, we hope you have a wonderful summer, and we wish all the best for the children moving up to Reception, you are going to smash it!! 

Our trip to Africa - 23rd July 2024

Please look at the Donaldson and Murphy class page to see more photos of our Africa trip!

We started off by going through airport security, stamp our passports and board the plane!

We enjoyed doing lots of different activities in Africa, including making our own bracelets, and going on a safari hunt before flying back home.