Carle Class Nursery

Welcome to Carle Class Nursery!


Class teacher - Miss Beth Runeckles

Nursery nurse - Mrs Angela Kelly

Nursery assistant - Mrs Carrie-Anne Deal

PPA teacher - Mrs Rebecca Kelly



We offer flexible hours in our 3 and 4 year old room, and are open at 8:30am until 3:30pm. We offer 30 hour full time places for 3 and 4 year olds from 9am-3pm with the option to extend from 8:30am-3:30pm.

We also offer 15 hour places across Monday to Friday which have to be taken as either 5 morning sessions from 8:30am-11:30am or 5 afternoon sessions from 12:30pm-3:30pm. 

We accept 30 hour childcare codes. Please obtain your code from the website


For further information please contact Miss Edwards on 01322 665212. 

A Day in the Life for Carle Class

Developing gross motor skills are very important, as children need to master these skills to help them to write and form letters. These muscles are developed by encouraging the children to take part in physical activities, such as climbing, balancing, dancing and crawling.


In nursery we do lots of 'Funky Finger' activities, this helps the children with their fine motor skills. These activities help the children to develop the muscles in their fingers, which will help the children develop their writing skills.

Term 6

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely half term. This term, our topic is water, and we are focusing on the books Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis, and Tiddler by Julia Donaldson. We will also be celebrating all of our hard work as the school year comes to a close. 

Graduation 2024

To all of our superstars in Carle class,


We cannot believe this year has come to an end, but we are so immensely proud of every single one of you. You have worked your socks off and persevered with every challenge we have given you, and we are so impressed with the progress you have all made. On behalf of myself, Mrs Kelly and Mrs Deal, we hope you have a wonderful summer, and we wish all the best for the children moving up to Reception, you are going to smash it!! 

Our trip to Africa - 23rd July 2024

Please look at the Donaldson and Murphy class page to see more photos of our Africa trip!

We started off by going through airport security, stamp our passports and board the plane!

We enjoyed doing lots of different activities in Africa, including making our own bracelets, and going on a safari hunt before flying back home.

Water day!

The afternoon children thoroughly enjoyed our teddy bear's picnic!

Challenge Week 2024

Day 5 - The children enjoyed the last day of challenge week, where they moved balls from one hoop to the other, and stacked the cups. They tried to do this in the quickest time!

The last challenge was the children stacking as many dominoes they could in 2 minutes. We counted at the end how many we had!

Day 4 - We saw how many pom poms we could move to the other bowl in a minute!

We also saw how many loom bands we could collect in a minute.

Day 3 - We participated in different sports to see how far we could throw. This was through discus, shotput and javelin.

We did long jump to see who could jump the furthest!

We saw who could move the bean bags from one hoop to the other in the quickest time!

Day 2 - We sorted the coloured balls in the correct buckets and tried to do it in the quickest time.

We used tweezers to put 10 marbles into the bowl and tried to do this in the quickest time!

Day 1 - We predicted if an object was going to float or sink. We then tested if our predictions were right!

We chose our own way to fill a cup with sand in the quickest time!

We created our own Bog babies, and created homes so we could look after them!

We have enjoyed the warm weather and used the water to explore capacity, explore waterproof materials and washing our dolls!

Term 5


Welcome to our summer term! We will be looking at rhyming by focusing on the books 'What the Ladybird Heard' and 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson. 

We enjoyed using 2D shapes to create our own character faces from the Gruffalo!

Enjoying the warm weather in nursery!

We are continuing to grow our plants and take care of all living things!

We are enjoying our maths learning. We have been comparing sizes with farm animals, counting ladybird spots, positioning the farm animal correctly to the fence, and discussing the ladybird's map!

Term 4


Welcome back to term 4! We hope you had a wonderful half term. This term, we enter our new season Spring with our focus on growing. We will explore minibeasts, their habitats, and how minibeasts and plants grow. We will be looking at 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle, and Handa's Surprise by Eileen Browne. We will also look at 'Anna Hibiscus' by Atinuke.

We also made lots of crafts and played games for Easter!

We enjoyed creating Easter nest cakes for the bake sale. First we melted the chocolate, then stirred it in with the rice crispies, and lastly scooped it into a case!

Our crest seeds have started to grow!

We have gone on a minibeast hunt in our garden! Have a look at what we found!

We have discussed the life cycle of a butterfly and sequenced in the correct order!

We have looked at growing in our math's learning, by subitising flowers,looking at number bonds to 5 with ladybird spots and making our own minibeast with 2D shapes!

World Book Day 2024!

We celebrated world book day by celebrating Julia Donaldson. We looked specifically at Room on the Broom and how we could spot and suggest rhymes. Some of us also built and wrote CVC words that rhymed!

Dressing up for World Book Day!

We spotted rhymes in the book and suggested our own rhyming words!

The witch tapped the broomstick and whoosh! They were gone...

We have begun reading Handa's Surprise by Eileen Browne. We have looked at counting out and creating our own repeating patterns with fruit!

Term 3


This term, we are learning all about dinosaurs. We will be reading 'Cave Baby' by Julia Donaldson, and 'Mad about Dinosaurs' by Giles Andreae. To begin with, we celebrated the New Year on our first day back, by creating our own firework pictures and researching how other countries celebrate the New Year! We also watched fireworks and made loud noises to represent the sound and movement of a 'BANG!'.

Learning about dinosaurs!

We were archaeologists and learnt all about excavation!

We were also palaeontologists and have been discovering dinosaur bones, with some hidden sounds hiding with our fossils!

We have been using dinosaurs and their bones in our maths learning to measure weight, length, and how many altogether!

We have been using natural resources to create our own art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.

Ellie, Sophia, Axl and Florence have been using their phonic sounds to write dinosaur names!

We created our own nests to look after our dinosaur eggs by using natural resources

We have created our own fossils through printing and painting

We celebrated number day! We went on a number hunt and began writing numbers. We also played number bingo, Ellie, Hallie-Rae and Maeve won!

The children have created their own dinosaur maps, and have begun discussing the route their dinosaur went on.

Term 2

This term, we are looking at traditional tales. We will be reading The Enormous Turnip, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and the Three Little Pigs. Then we will begin our celebrations for Christmas, by creating decorations and singing Christmas songs. 

The Enormous Turnip Learning

We made pictures using fruit and vegetables in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Throughout this topic, we have done a variety of exciting activities learning all about the characters and the traditional story. Some of the activities we have done are:

  • Re-told the story to create our version that was written and illustrated by ourselves.
  • Drew a variety of shapes, as well as using natural resources to construct our own bear face.
  • Thought and discussed about the feelings of each character.
  • Measured and compared the heights of each bear using cubes.


We also got the chance to taste porridge! We tried different flavours and discussed if we liked them or not. Then, we decided which flavour was our favourite. We found out that 7 children had apple porridge as their favourite, 3 had plain porridge as their favourite, and 5 children had golden syrup porridge as their favourite!

Three Little Pigs Learning

It snowed in nursery!

Christmas has arrived in nursery! smiley




We have decorated our class Christmas tree

We have enjoyed doing Christmas activities in our literacy and maths

We decorated gingerbread biscuits for our upcoming bake sale!

The children enjoyed singing Christmas songs! Merry Christmas from the Carle Class!

Term 1 - Prepositions