Murphy Class Reception

Welcome to Murphy Class!

Please check our class page regularly for photos and updates on your child's learning!

Our outdoor classroom is as important as our indoor classroom.

We spend lots of time outside, please ensure that through the Autumn and Winter months, your child brings a coat to school each day.



Here are our regular times 

                                      Drop off at 8.45am at Reception/KS1 entrance.                                           .

     Pick up at 3.15pm from the Playground.


Please wait behind the yellow line to make it easier for us to see you and wait for us to dismiss your child. Please be patient so we can ensure each child is dismissed safely.


If you wish to speak to us please feel free to do so once all of the children have been dismissed.


Our Class Rules

We can show we are ready for good learning by looking and listening.

We are all friends in Reception and are kind to everybody.

We are learning to use our kind hands and feet.

We share and take turns.

We always walk in the classroom.

We all tidy up and look after our resources.

How we learn in Reception.

We always plan from our children's Next Steps because you are all unique and learn in different ways. We love to link our learning through the wonderful and numerous books we read in class.


We all went to Africa and had a great time. We had fun in the waiting lounge before going through passport control and boarding our flight.

Ready for take off, Next stop Africa

We made it to Africa so much to do, so many animals to find. What a great day we have had.

Teddy bears picnic theatre production.

We brought our favourite teddy in for our Teddy Bears Picnic

Discus, shot put and javelin Challenge

Bean bag relay Challenge

Threading beads challenge

Timed sand challenge

Today was the first day of our challenge week. We had lots of fun taking part in our challenges together.


Term 1 

Reception have settled in so well to their new routines and the school day! We’ve been learning the story We’re Going on Bear Hunt and can now retell the whole story! We’ve painted self portraits and especially love learning and exploring our outdoor area!

We have also read Rosie's Walk and learnt about farm animals and our prepositions.

We are now all becoming super blenders in phonics and are learning our first set of sounds to help us become incredible readers and writers.


We are doing lots of mark making and we are beginning to write our name and some letters and words

We enjoyed the playdough

We especially love our sandpit

                                                           Term 2

              This term we read lots of traditional stories including,

                    'Goldilocks and the Three Bears,' 'The Three Little Pigs' and

                    'The Enormous Turnip.' We enjoyed learning the phrases and acting out the                                stories in class.  In Maths we explored 2D shapes and size, weight

                      and measure.

                      The last few weeks of term saw us immersing ourselves in the

                      Christmas season. We took part in lots of fun activities, including watching

                      a pantomime in the school hall, taking part in our own Christmas performance                          and enjoying our Christmas lunch!

                                 Term 3

                   Happy New Year!


         Welcome to 'Term 3' and thank you for all the lovely gifts and cards that we                            received for Christmas. They were very much appreciated.


                    This term our topic is Dinosaurs and we have lots of great activities planned .

                    We are reading the story 'Cave Baby' and exploring everything to do with 



                    In Maths we are looking at the composition of numbers and beginning to                                  explore addition and subtraction in lots of practical ways.


                    Our phonics learning is continuing and we are all on our way to becoming super                        phonics learners and readers!

                                                         Term 4

               Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term break.

    This term we are really excited to be reading the book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar.'

    We are going to get out into the garden and look for caterpillars as well as other minibeasts. We are hoping that the weather will be kind to us! The story will also help us explore the subject of healthy eating and what foods we should be choosing to make us grow strong. Our second book this term will be 'Handas Surprise.' We will be thinking about Handa's journey and tasting some of the fruits that she took with her.

  Our focus for maths will be exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We will continue to practice counting to 20 and learning our number bonds to 10.


In the run up to Easter we will be learning the Easter story and talking about the  importance of what happened to Jesus and making our own miniature Easter garden in class.

                                                                Term 5

  Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Easter break.

      This term we are very excited to be reading two of Julia Donaldson's popular books, 'What the Ladybird Heard' and 'The Gruffalo.'  We are looking at rhyme and re-telling the story accurately. These are two of our favourite books and we can't wait to use our phonics learning when we are writing about them.

In maths we will be looking at doubles, odds and evens and problem solving.

                                                               Term 6

Welcome back from the half term break.

We can't believe that this is our last term in reception class. This year has gone by so quickly!

Our focus books this term are 'The Bog Baby' and 'Tiddler.'

We have our class assembly to look forward to as well as 'Challenge week.'

In phonics we are continuing to learn new sounds (digraphs and trigraphs) and attempting to use them in our independent writing.

In maths we will be revisiting and reinforcing our learning so far and focusing on anything that we are finding tricky.