
Welcome to our Governors' section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

Our Governors

School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children's education. They provide leadership and accountability in school.  Governors have responsibility for the strategic direction of the school, including school finance.

At full governing meetings we set aims and objectives for the school. We view and discuss the headteachers report, updates, attendance and discuss pupil achievement. We monitor our school development plan and safe guarding. We set a focus for monitoring visits and receive feed back once they have been completed. We challenge and support the headteacher in all that she does. We set targets that enable us to achieve our aims and objectives. 


Mrs Amanda McGarrigle


Father Dane Batley Gladden


Chair of Governors

Ms Lisa Miles

Foundation Governor

Term of Office:

24.11.19 - 24.11.23



Bishop's Appointment


Mr Graham Rock

Foundation Governor

Term of Office:

6.10.20 - 6.10.24

Mrs Carol Sepet

Appointed by the PCC of St Mary's Church. Term of office until 31.10.21

Foundation Governor

Term of Office:

1.10.21 - 1.10.25

Mrs Natasha Davison

Appointed by the staff. Term of office until 31.8.18

Staff Governor

Term of Office:

24.4.23 - 24.4.27



Mr Tom Narraway

LA Governor

Term of Office:

25.5.21 - 25.5.25

Mr Nathanael Watson

Parent Governor

Term of Office:

1.12.21 - 1.12.25

Mr Paul Williams

Term of office until 06.02.23

Parent Governor

19.2.23 - 19.2.27


Mrs Carol ThomasClerk
Mr Peter Smith

Foundation Governor

Term of Office:

24.5.22 - 24.5.26


Governing Body Meetings 2023/2024

20th September 2023 Full Governing Body meeting

11th October 2023 Strategy Committee meeting

8th November 2023 FGB meeting

16th January 2024 Governor Immersion Day

16th January 2024 FGB meeting

7th February 2024 Full Governing Body meeting

24th April 2024 Strategy Committee meeting

22nd May 2024 Full Governing Body meeting (Budget Ratification)

26th June 2024 FGB meeting






​​​​​​​School Development Plan 2022-2024

For these school years the Governing Body ratified a school development plan with the following priorities:

1) To improve outcomes for mathematics across the school. The lead member of staff for this priority is the mathematics team; and the lead Governor is Fr Dane Batley-Gladden.

2) English. The lead teacher for this priority is Mrs Natasha Davison; and the lead Governor is Mr Rock.

3) Curriculum Development. The lead teachers are Mrs Davison and Mrs McGarrigle. The lead Governor is Mrs Sepet.

4) To support the mental health and wellbeing of pupils and staff, particularly those preparing for transition. The lead staff are Mrs McGarrigle, Mrs Davison and Mrs Hawkins. The lead Governor is Mr Watson.

5) To ensure that all pupils are taking part in a wide range of physical activities to support wellbeing. The lead staff are Mrs McGarrigle, Miss Newman and Mrs Hawkins. The lead Governor is Mr Williams.

6) To develop leadership across the school. The lead teacher is Mrs McGarrigle. The lead Governor are Fr Dane and Mr Rock.

7) To open an additional 3 and 4 Year Old Class. The lead staff are Mrs Shelton and Mrs Mc Garrigle. The lead Governors  are Mrs Davison and Fr Dane.

8) Early Years transition to meet the needs of all pupils. The lead teacher is Mrs Shelton. The lead Governors are Mr Watson and Mrs Davison.

9) EYFS curriculum development. The lead teacher is Mrs Shelton. The lead Governor is Mrs Davison. 

St Mary's Governor Attendance 2022-2023

The Kent Governor Adviser for this area is:

Mrs Jude Johnson  03000 410924