Browne Class Year 3

Welcome to Browne Class!


Welcome to Year 3! Please explore our class webpage to see all the exciting things you will be learning in Year 3 this year. 


Mrs Pier will be teaching Science throughout this year and has lots of fun practical learning activities planned. In Term 3, we are looking forward to finding out more about animals and humans. This ties in with our Geography topic about climates too!


PE will be taught on a Friday Morning by Miss Bracken so ensure trainers are sent in on this day. Long hair should be tied up and earrings removed or covered. 


We encourage daily reading at home - please sign the homework diaries and make a note of the page number too. Homework will be sent home on a Friday and collected the following Thursday.


We are really excited about our term ahead! Please come and have a chat about any concerns at the end of the day - we are happy to help.


Miss King and Miss Leadbeater

We are looking for volunteers to help with reading this term.


We would love some parent volunteers to hear readers for an afternoon or morning each week until Easter. No experience necessary and everyone welcome!


Please have a chat with Mrs Kennedy or your class teacher, if interested.


Mrs Ashford

Setting up an investigation into how plants transport water

Year 3 identifying and naming different parts of the plants

Well done Yr3 for being the first class in the whole school to get 100% attendance this week! Miss King and Miss Leadbeater are so proud of you, keep it up!

 Hi Year 3,


For your brain builder this week you have been asked to make a creative leaflet on the Maya Civilization. Here are some websites to help you find out the facts you want to put on your leaflet.,corn%2C%20beans%2C%20and%20squash. 


We cannot wait to see all your amazing leaflets! 


Thank you,

Miss King


Year 3 made games using magnets.

In science, Year 3 investigated the strength of different magnets.

Year 3 investigated materials, sorting them into magnetic and non-magnetic ones. We discovered that only some metals are magnetic.

Our school trip to a Gurdwara- Mrs Kennedy's group

Year 3 investigating friction: the force that slows things down.

Year 3 investigated whether there is a relationship between the length of your femur (thigh bone) and how far you can jump.

Year 3 learned an alternative version of 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' using scientific names of some of the bones in the human skeleton.

Still image for this video

Year 3 used their knowledge of humans bones to create skeletons using resources from around the classrooms

Weblinks for Home Learning for Term 2

In science, Year 3 investigated how shadows change when you move the light source

Scientific exploration of light and dark in Year 3

Layers of the Earth in playdough by Year 3!

This week, Year 3 learned about the rock cycle using Sturburst sweets.Yum! Make sure you ask your children all about it.

In Science, Year 3 are learning about rocks. Our rock hunt was very successful!

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