Ofsted and Performance Data

Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables. 

Ofsted School Inspection Reports

School Inspections - A Guide For Parents

School Performance Information

 DfE school performance tables website: http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/performance/index.html


Exam and Assessment Results 2019

In the Early Years, Foundation Stage, 71% of our pupils achieved a Good Level of Development in the Early Years assessment.

In Year 1, 75% of pupils achieved 32+ points in the Year 1 phonics assessment.

In Year 2 (End of Key Stage 1):

Reading: 66% of pupils achieved the 'expected' standard in reading.

22% achieved 'greater depth'.

Writing: 62% of pupils achieved the 'expected' standard in writing.

3% achieved 'greater depth'.

Mathematics: 88% of pupils achieved the 'expected' standard in mathematics.

25% achieved 'greater depth'.

In Year 6 (End of Key Stage 2)

Reading: 66% of pupils achieved the 'expected' standard in reading.

22% of pupils achieved 'greater depth'.

Writing: 88% of pupils achieved the 'expected' standard in writing.

14% of pupils achieved 'greater depth'.

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 78% achieved the 'expected' standard.

33% of pupils achieved 'greater depth'.

Mathematics: 78% of pupils achieved the 'expected' standard.

18% achieved 'greater depth'.

Key Stage 2 Progress Measures:

Reading: -2.0

Writing: +2.3

Mathematics: -1.2

Average Scaled Scores:

Reading 101

Mathematics 102.4

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 105


Exam and Assessment Results 2018

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, 70% of our pupils achieved a Good Level of Development in the Early Years assessments. 

In Year 1, 57% of pupils achieved 32+ points in the Year 1 phonics assessment. 

In Year 2 (End of KS1):

Reading - 72% of pupils achieved the expected standard in reading.

20% of pupils achieved 'greater depth'.

Writing - 64% achieved the expected standard in writing.

4% of pupils achieved 'greater depth'.

Mathematics - 68% of pupils achieved the expected standard.

20% of pupils achieved 'greater depth'.

Combined: 80%

In Year 6 (End of KS2):

Reading - 84% of pupils achieved the expected standard. This is significantly above the national average.

24% of pupils achieved 'greater depth' or the higher level.

Writing - 88% of pupils achieved the expected standard. This is significantly above the national average.

24% of pupils achieved the higher level, or 'greater depth'. This is significantly above the national average.

Mathematics - 92% of pupils achieved the expected standard. This is significantly above the national average.

28% achieved the higher standard, or 'greater depth'.

GPS - 88% of pupils achieved the expected standard. This is significantly above the national average.

28% of pupils achieved the higher level, or 'greater depth'.

Key Stage 2 Progress Measures:

Reading +2.6

Writing +3.8

Mathematics +1.5

Key Stage 2 Average Scaled Scores:

Reading 105

GPS 107

Mathematics 104




Exam and Assessment Results 2017

Brilliant results for St Mary's again - three years in a row!

At the end of Key stage 2:

Reading: 68% of pupils achieved the expected standard.

Writing: 89% of pupils achieved the expected standard.

Mathematics: 95% of pupils achieved the expected standard.

Grammar, punctuation and spelling: 95% of pupils achieved the expected standard.

Progress Score:

Reading: 2.0

Writing: 4.4

Mathematics: 3.7

Percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard:

Reading: 21%

Writing: 32%

Mathematics: 32%

Grammar, punctuation and spelling: 53%

Average Scaled Score:

Reading: 105

Mathematics: 107

Grammar, punctuation and spelling: 110

Another amazing year, thanks to our brilliant pupils and staff!!



Once again, our results have been amazing!

Percentage of pupils who achieved 'expected' or above in reading, writing and mathematics ('expected' has now replaced level 4 in 2015):

Reading: 96% of pupils achieved the expected standard.

Writing: 85% of pupils achieved the expected standard

Mathematics: 92% of pupils achieved the expected standard

Grammar, punctuation and spelling: 81% of pupils achieved the expected standard.

Combined: 85% of pupils achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics.

Progress Score:

Reading 5.2

Writing 4.0

Mathematics 2.7

Percentage of pupils achieving a high standard:

Reading 12%

Mathematics 15%

Average Scaled score:

Reading 106

Mathematics 104

Grammar, punctuation and spelling 105

100% of pupils achieved 'expected' progress between KS1 and KS2 in reading, writing and mathematics. 

A big 'well done' to all of our Year 6 pupils, and past pupils who have amazing GCSE results this year!




Our SATs Results for 2015 are the highest they have ever been! Well done Year 6!

Percentage of pupils who achieve Level 4 or above in reading, writing and mathematics

At the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6), SATs result indicate attainment in reading, writing and mathematics; and a level 4 or above in these tests demonstrate national expectation.  In 2015 our results for Level 4 or above were as follows:

Reading 96%

Writing 84%

Mathematics 96% 

GPS 88%



Percentage of pupils who have achieved expected progress in reading, writing and mathematics between Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2)

Reading 96%

Writing 96%

Mathematics 96%

Please note these results are above national average for Primary Schools in England (2014 published national data)


Percentage of pupils who achieved more than expected progress in reading, writing and mathematics between Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2)

Reading 60%

Writing 32%

Mathematics 44%

Percentage of pupils who achieved Level 5 or above in reading, writing and mathematics

Children achieving Level 5 or 6 at the end of key stage 2, would be those children working above national expectations of achievement.  In 2015 our results were as follows:

Reading 50%

Writing 16%

Mathematics 40%