Morpurgo Class Year 5

We are looking for volunteers to help with reading this term.

We would love some parent volunteers to hear readers for an afternoon or morning each week until Easter. No experience necessary and everyone welcome.

Please have a chat with Mrs Kennedy or you class teacher/TA, if interested.


Thank you,


Mrs Ashford

Welcome to Morpurgo Class


Welcome to our new class page where you will be able to find out all about what we do in Morpurgo class. It has been lovely to see all of the children returing to school with such enthusiasm. 


Below you will be able to see our termly Timetable, our long and medium term plans, pictures of what we get up to in class and much more. 


Homework will be set each Friday and is due in on the next Thursday. If children would like to complete their homework in school they are able to come to y5/6 homework club in a Monday lunchtime from 12-12.20pm in the Y5 classroom. At this age we expect the children to read at home five days a week, recording this in their diary and to practise their spellings and timestables at home each week too. Once children finish a book they are expected to complete an accelerated Reader quiz online. 


Year 5 will be participating in PE lesson on Mondays. Please come dressed in normal school uniform, but bring trainers with you and a jumper/trousers in chillier weather


Looking forward to seeing everyone in school!


Miss Wright and Mrs Thurlowsmiley



Year 5 mirco:bit coding

Year 5 investigated impact craters on the Moon

Investigating water resistance - which shape was the most streamlined?

Year 5 learned about simple machines and explored how levers work.

Year 5 explored balanced and unbalanced forces through arm wrestling.

Pollination by Year 5


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PE term 5 rounders...finally out in the sun!

World Book Day

Creative homework term 3


A huge well done to everyone that made something for creative homework this term, the standard was exceptional! Here is a selection of photos so far. Children will be given the chance to showcase their effort to the rest of the school in the first week of term 4.

Ending term 2 with a tasty Victorian Invention - An Ice-cream!

Brain Builder - Our history projects

The Victorians by George

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Street Child - Conscience Alley and Hot-seating

Exploring Rounding

Learning the skills to play Volley Ball