Dahl Class Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 Dahl Class!


Year 2's day is from 8:45am - 3:15pm and they come through the Key Stage 2 door. 

Year 2 can also attend Maths Club in the school hall from 8:20am.


You can use this page of the website to find out about Year 2's weekly timetable, what we have been learning about during the current term and find out what each week's homework is.


Homework and Reading books should be in school everyday. The Reading books will be checked everyday and the Homework folders will be checked on a Friday. Wednesday will also be PE days so please ensure that your child comes to school with their hair tied up, trainers in their bags and if possible earrings are removed. 


We will also add details, pictures and links to the fun activities we have been taking part in.


We hope the children will have a fantastic year with us in Year 2. 

If you have any questions please do come and see us.

Miss Orpin and Mrs Manwaring.


Resources to help your children in their home learning.

Look at our fantastic Term 1 Creative Homework! We made posters about countries that were important to us and our families.

Term 3 creative homework: Make a model or poster about one of the Big 5 African animals!

Term 5 Creative Homework- Make a Great Fire of London house or St Paul's Cathedral!

Term 6

This term in English we are reading:


  • "The Magic Finger” by Roald Dahl.


Please DO NOT read this book with your children as it will ruin the slow build up and surprise we use in our English lessons. 


If you would like to read a similar book to your child then this term I would recommend:

  • "Fantastic Mr Fox” by Roald Dahl
  • “The Judy Moody” series by Megan McDonald
  • “The Julian Stories” by Ann Cameron
  • “Elliot, Midnight Superhero” by Ann Cottringer
  • “The Powers- The Not-so-super Superheroes” by Kevin Stevens
  • “How to Heal a Broken Wing” by Bob Graham
  • “Egg Drop” by Mini Grey
  • “Loveykins” by Quentin Blake
  • “Two Little Birds” by Mary Newell DePalma
  • “Have you Heard the Nesting Bird?” by Rita Gray
  • “Mama Built a Little Nest” by Jennifer Ward
  • “My First Book of Birds” by RSPB

On Friday we had an Irish Dancing workshop. We had great fun learning moves such as ringing the bells and threading the needles.

In Art this term we are learning about Surrealism. We worked in groups of 3 to play a surrealism art game. We created some fantastic surreal monsters!

In English this week we completed a hot seating task where we were pretending to be the Gregg family, exploring how they felt at different parts of their experience being a bird.

In Art this week we explored printing patterns by using stamps and ink pads. We explored making random patterns, repeating patterns, half drop patterns and full drop patterns.

Year 1 and 2 had a visit from the Fire Service! We learnt lots of useful facts to help us stay safe.

Sports Day - Day 2: Running Races!

Sports Day - Day 2: Dancing!

Sports Week - Day 2: Mindful Stretching!

In Science this week we made paper helicopters!

In Science this week we designed paper lotus flowers. They unfolded in the water!

In Art this week we designed our own printing tiles and then made a layered print!

This week in Science we took part in many different challenges. Can you tell what they are from the photos?

We had a workshop from the School of Noise! We got to try out lots of fantastic sound experiments!

Vegetable band!

Still image for this video

Freddie S playing the vegetable band!

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Freddie C trying the Omnicord!

Still image for this video

Dexter trying the Theremin!

Still image for this video

Trying out the Morse Code machiene.

Still image for this video

Chladni Plate!

Still image for this video

To celebrate the end of Year 2 and Key Stage 1 we made the most of the hot weather by playing some water games and having a water fight with Miss Bracken, Miss Orpin and Year 3!

Term 5

This term in English we are reading:


  • "Toby and the Great Fire of London” by Margaret Nash.


Please DO NOT read these books with your children as it will ruin the slow build up and surprise we use in our English lessons. 


If you would like to read a similar book to your child then this term I would recommend:

  •  "Vlad and the Great Fire of London” by Kate Cunningham.
  • “You wouldn’t want to be in the Great Fire of London” by Jim Pipe.
  • “The Baker’s Boy and the Great Fire of London” by Tom Bradman.
  • “The Great Fire of London” by Susanna Davidson.
  • “The Great Fire of London (Famous People, Great Events)” by Gillian Clements.

St Paul's Cathedral

In Art this week we explored how to use chalk to make images of fire. We used red, yellows and oranges and experimented of different ways to smudge them.

In Science this week we have been planting sunflower seeds and different flower bulbs. We can't wait to watch them grow. Check back each week to see how our plants are growing!

This week in Art we used our chalk and colour mixing skills from last week to create our whole fiery background. Next step is to add our charcoal buildings!

In PSHE this week we have been talking about physical contact- what is acceptable to use at home and what we can use in school. We also discussed asking people's permission before you touch them and respecting their personal space if they say no to being touched.

Week 1 plant check in- some of our sunflowers have begun to sprout!

In History this week we acted out the Human chain that was used in the Great Fire of London to try to stop the fire spreading.

Look at our plants now! We can't wait to plant them at home and watch them continue to grow!

We joined Year 1 for a giant PE with Miss Orpin. We had a great time!

Term 4

This term in English we are reading:


  • "Jim and the Beanstalk" by Raymond Briggs.
  • "Rapunzel" by Bethan Woollvin.


Please DO NOT read these books with your children as it will ruin the slow build up and surprise we use in our English lessons. 


If you would like to read a similar book to your child then this term I would recommend:

  •  "Little Red" by Bethan Woollvin
  • "Jack and the Baked Beanstalk" by Colin Stimpson
  • "Trust Me, Jack's Beanstalk  Stinks!" by Eric Braun
  • "Jack and the Jelly Bean Stalk" by Rachael Mortimer
  • "Hansel & Gretel" by Bethan Woollvin
  • "Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion" by Alex T . Smith
  • "Little Red Hood" by Marjolaine Leray
  • "How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth" by Michelle Robinson and Kate Hindley
  • "How to Babysit a Grandad" by Jean Reagan and Lee Wildish


In Art this term we are learning about the artist Vincent Van Gogh. We are going to be creating our own versions of his painting Starry Night! We started this week by painting the blue background, making sure you could see our brush strokes.

World Book Day 2024! Look at our amazing costumes!

World Book Day 2024! We created our own terrible woodland creatures like the Gruffalo and then made our own rhyming descriptions like Julia Donaldson! Check out some examples of our work:

World Book Day 2024! We followed instructions from the illustrator Axel Scheffler to learn how to draw a Gruffalo!

In PSHE this week we have been talking about how it feels to be relaxed or stressed, and what it does to our minds and bodies. We ordered these photos from most stressed to most relaxed and discussed why we thought that.

This week in Art we added the stars and moon to our Starry Night pictures. We used white and shades of yellow to help make our stars and moon appear to be glowing!

In PSHE this week we have learnt about the different food groups. We sorted items of food into the different groups and talked about which ones we should eat the most and the least of.

This week in Art we added the black buildings to our Starry Night inspired paintings! Check back soon to see our finished work!

Look at our finished paintings inspired by 'Starry Night' by Vincent Van Gogh.

We had an Easter hunt with Year 1!

Term 3

This term in English we are reading:

  • "Lila and the Secret of Rain” by David Conway and Jude Daly.
  • "One Day, On Our Blue Planet… In the Antarctic" by Ella Bayley.


Please DO NOT read these books with your children as it will ruin the slow build up and surprise we use in our English lessons. If you would like to read a similar book, or a book to aid their learning around our topic, to your child then this term I would recommend:

  • "Furaha Means Happy: a book of Swahili Words” by K Wilson-Max.
  • “Mama Panya’s Pancakes” by Cairns and R Chamberlin.
  • “The Day the Rains Fell” by A Faundez.
  • “Handa’s Surpise” and “Handa’s Hen” by E Browne.
  • “Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain” by V Ardeena.
  • “Mara Serengeti: A Photographer’s Paradise” by J Scott.
  • “The Most Important Gift of All” By K Littlewood and D Conway.
  • “One Night, Far From Here” by Julia Watuers.
  • “We All Went on Safari” by Laurie Krebs.
  • “African Animal Tales Collections” by Mwende Hadithi.
  • “A is for Africa” by Ifeoma Onyefulu.
  • “The First Book of Nature” By Nicola Davies.
  • “A Little Guide to Trees” and “A Little Guide to Wild Flowers” By Charlotte Voake.
  • “Acorn” by Edward Gibbs.
  • “Wild” by Emma Emily Hughes.

We explored how to mix watercolours together to make colours that we could use to paint an African sunset next week.

This week in Art we used the water colour paints to paint an African Sunset! Next week we will be adding some black shadow silhouettes to our pictures!

This week in Art we have added our black silhouettes to our paintings! We can't wait to show you the finished results!

Look at our finished Sunset Safari paintings! They remind us of scenes from the Lion King!

In Art this week we are learning about an African artist called William Mutua. We are going to be making our own interpretations of his art work over the next few weeks. First we used pencils and colouring pens to draw our animals, trees and grass.

In our PSHE lesson this week Miss Orpin set us a challenge! We had to work in teams to create actions for the first verse of the Owl and the Pussycat poem. The best teamwork won a prize!

Number Day 2024: We did lots of Maths activities outside today to celebrate Number Day! We made numbers from natural resources, built towers and jumped up and down numberlines.

Number Day 2024: We had great fun running around the playground completing Numbercise!

In Art this week we used water colours to paint the backgrounds for our African art!

Look at our finished art work, inspired by the African Artist William Mutua.

Safer Internet Day 2024! We had so much fun learning about how technology has changed over the years, and how to be safe online whilst promoting positive changes!

In PSHE this week we had to work as a team to create a giant bird. It could look however we wanted it to but we must work together to create it. The team with the best team work won a prize.

Term 2

This term in English we are reading:

  • "Man on the Moon (a day in the life of Bob)" by Simon Bartram.
  • "Look Up” by Nathan Bryon.


Please DO NOT read these books with your children as it will ruin the slow build up and surprise we use in our English lessons. If you would like to read a similar book, or a book to aid their learning around our topic, to your child then this term I would recommend:

  • "Space" by Heather Alexander and Andres Lozano.
  • “The Way Back Home” by Oliver Jeffers.
  • "Space Kids. An Introduction for Young Explorers" by Andrea De Santis and Steve Parker.
  • "The Skies Above My Eyes" by Charlotte Guillain and Yuval Zommer.
  • "Professor Astro Cat's Solar System" by Dominic Walliman and Ben Newman.
  • "The Story of Stars" by Neal Layton.
  • "Look Up!" by Nathan Byron and Dapo Adeola.
  • "Astro Girl" by Ken Wilson-Max.
  • "Toys in Space" by Mini Grey.
  • "Beegu" by Alexis Deacon.
  • "Wanda and the Alien" by Sue Hendra.
  • "Here Comes the Aliens" by Colin McNaughton.
  • "Wonderful Life" by Helen Ward.
  • "Dr Xargle's Book of Earthlings" by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross.
  • "The Earth Book: A World of Exploration and Wonder" by Jonathon Litton and Thomas Hegbrook.
  • "Earth from Space" by Michael Bright and Chloe Sarosh.
  • "Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth" by Oliver Jeffers.
  • "Planetarium: Welcome to the Museum" by Raman Prinja and Chris Wormell.

This term in Computing we have been exploring how to create a character and a background in Scratch. Then we used the building blocks to get our characters to move.

English- We took turns creating freeze frames of Bob the astronaut doing tricks for the Moon tourists.

Diwali dancing with Mr Bollywood! We had a great time learning 4 different dances and hearing the stories of Diwali.

We painted Poppies to celebrate Remembrance Day. Check back soon to see our poppy display!

Lest we forget.

In Maths we have been learning about 3D shapes. We used this knowledge to help us build 3D snowmen out of 3 different sized cubes.

We impressed Miss Orpin and Mrs Manwaring so much with our fantastic dress rehearsal of our Nativity play that we all got Golden Star this week ⭐️

Look who has come to stay with us this December! Keep checking back to see what Elfie gets up to!

We made chocolate Reindeer cakes for the Christmas cake sale!

We used our sewing skills to make Christmas stockings!

This term in Computing we have been learning about debugging. We used the Beebots to work out how to make it move and find Miss Orpin's sneaky mistakes!

Term 1

This term in English we are reading:

"The Jolly Postman" by Janet & Allan Ahlberg.

"The Last Wolf" by Mini Grey.

Please DO NOT read these books with your children as it will ruin the slow build up and surprise we use in our English lessons.


 If you would like to read a similar book ,or a book to aid their learning around our topic, to your child then this term I would recommend:

  • "Katie Morag Delivers the Mail" by Mairi Hedderwick.
  • "Dear Mother Goose" by Michael Rosen.
  • "Dear Fairy Godmother" by Michael Rosen.
  • "Mixes Up Fairytales" by Hilary Robinson
  • "Each Peach Pear Plum" by Janet & Alan Ahlberg.
  • "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Book?" by Lauren Child.
  • "Beware the Storybook Wolves" by Lauren Child.
  • "I am so Strong" by Mario Ramos.
  • "Goldilocks and Just the One Bear" by Leigh Hodgkinson.
  • “My First Nursery Collection” by Tony Ross.
  • “Mr Wolf’s Pancakes” by Jan Fearnley.
  • “The Way Home for Wolf” by Rachel Bright and Jim Field.
  • “Wolf Won’t Bite!” by Emily Gravett.
  • “The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig” by Eugene Trivizas and Helen Oxenbury.


You could also read any of these Stories:

  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  • Hansel and Gretel
  • Cinderella
  • Sleeping Beauty
  • Jack and the Beanstalk
  • East of the Sun
  • West of the Moon
  • Aladdin
  • The Little Mermaid
  • Peter Piper
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Three Little Pigs
  • Mother Goose

Or any of these rhymes:

  • Old King Cole
  • Incy Wincey Spider
  • There was an Old Woman who lived in a Shoe
  • Hey Diddle Diddle
  • Simple Simon
  • There was a Crooked Man
  • Little Jack Horner
  • Eeny, Meeny, Miny Mo
  • Humpty Dumpty
  • Jack and Jill
  • The Queen of Hearts
  • Sing a Song of Sixpence
  • Little Miss Muffet
  • Pat a Cake
  • Baby Bunting
  • Three Blind Mice
  • Baa Baa Black Sheep

In Computing this term we have been exploring how simple games are made using algorithms. We have been predicting what we think would happen before we played the games to see if we were right. One of our favourite games to explore has been the game 'Pong'!

In Geography we have started to use Atlases to find places in the UK. We used the index to help us complete an Atlas scavenger hunt with our friends.

In Art we have been sketching teddy bears.

We had our first Volleyball session this year with Miss Bracken. We went over the basic skills using a balloon and then moved on to using a soft ball to play a class team game.

Maths - Adding 3 digit numbers

October Volleyball- We had great fun playing new team games with balloons. We had to remember to use our fingertips to keep the balloon in the air.

Online Safety Guides

How to work out Addition calculations

How to work out Addition calculations with exchanging

How to work out Subtraction calculations

How to work out Subtraction calculations with exchanging

How to work out Multiplication calculations.

How to work out Division calculations.

How to work out a Fraction of a number