Donaldson Class Nursery

St Mary's Early Years Centre

At St Mary's Early Years Centre we provide our children with a creative and stimulating environment, designed and led by a qualified teacher. Children are happy, engaged, challenged, nurtured and feel safe. Here, your child will develop a curiosity and love for learning through self chosen play and adult guided activities. We ensure children leave us ready for school and the next stage of their learning. We provide spaces for children from the age of 2 in our Rosen Classroom led by a qualified practitioner and we offer both funded and fee paying places. 



We offer flexible hours in our 3 and 4 year old room, opening at 8:30am until 3:30pm. We offer 30 hour full time places for 3 and 4 year olds from 9am-3pm with the option to extend from 8:30am-3:30pm. We also offer 15 hour places across Monday to Friday. These have to be taken as either 5 morning sessions from 8:30am-11:30am or 5 afternoon sessions from 12:30pm-3:30pm. 

We accept 30 hour childcare codes. Please obtain your code from the website


For further information please contact Miss Edwards on 01322 665212. 

Welcome to Donaldson Class!


Hello my lovely Donaldson's

These are our class rules:

We share and take turns.

We walk in nursery.

We keep our nursery tidy.

We play together and we are kind to our friends.

A Day in The Life at Nursery.

Please look at our video resource page for a video to look around our garden.

Come and Play in our Early Years Foundation Stage
Lots of our activities are set up using tuff trays, here are some examples of ones we have used.
Developing gross motor skills are very important, as children need to master these skills to help them to write and form letters. These muscles are developed by encouraging the children to take part in physical activities, such as climbing, balancing, dancing and crawling.
In nursery we do lots of 'Funky Finger' activities, this helps the children with their fine motor skills. These activities help the children to develop the muscles in their fingers, which will help the children develop their writing skills.

Our fantastic classroom displays

 Term 1

Welcome back everyone and a big welcome to our new children. We hope you all had a lovely summer and are ready to take on lots of new experiences.

We start our year with looking at prepositions, we do all our learning from books, our first 2 books are 'We're going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen and 'Rosie's Walk' by Pat Hutchins.

Keep an eye out for updates showing all our activities.

We have had lots of fun exploring our nursery and garden

We would like to wish all the children moving onto reception the best of luck and remember to show your new teachers that you are truly amazing ! We look forward to seeing the children remaining with us in September. Finally Mrs Shelton and Mrs Orpin would like to thank all the children for an amazing year and they have enjoyed every minute of it.

Finally our trip to Africa had arrived !!!! July 2024

The animals were waiting in the garden and the activities were ready for when we arrived

Breakfast was served on the plane