
Two of our pupils in Year 6 at St.Mary's won the Laura Trott Christmas Card Design Competition. Congratulations to Kyryl and Agnes. Take a look at their great designs!

A group of children in year 6 were invited to participate in a Forest School session. The group was asked to split into teams and to work together to create a den that was waterproof, sturdy and could accommodate all the children in each group. Both teams did a fantastic job and practised many skills such as turn taking, sharing, talking and managing risks. Afterwards, we returned to Base Camp to enjoy a hot chocolate and a biscuit around the camp fire and reflect on what we had achieved during the session.

Swanley Food Bank - Harvest Festival

Our School Council delivered all the Harvest food to the local Food Bank in Swanley. They were given a tour of the shop and shown how all the food is weighed in and checked for dates and placed on the correct shelves. The Food Bank supports a lot of families in our community and will always welcome donations that can be placed in a trolley in Asda. If you or anyone you know could use their support then please contact our FLO Mrs Kennedy who can assist with vouchers.

Years 2 to 6 took part in a street dance workshop. We were lucky to have a member of Urban Strides dance group attend to perform and teach the children.

Urban Strides attend all the Young Voices concerts. All the children in our choir were very excited as they will be attending this concert at the O2 in February.

Urban Strides Dance Workshop

We went GREEN for Mental Health Week

Wow! What a wonderful week away we all had in France. The children were well behaved and everyone that met them all said how polite and lovely they were. We got to visit some beautiful places around near to where we were staying at the Chateau Beaumont. The children got to experience a local market where they were encouraged to speak in French to the market stall sellers. The weather stayed dry all week and we managed to take part in all the outdoor activities including the zip line and archery. Also on site was a Year 15 school from Paris, our children quickly made friends and sat with them during dinner times to chat. Disco night started with a talent show, where our children showed off their fantastic singing and football talents. 

After a very choppy crossing, (only one of us was sick, Mrs Kennedy) :) we arrived safely at the Chateau Beaumont, where we enjoyed our first meal of Spaghetti Bolognese 

World Book Day Doors