Potter Class Year 1

Welcome to Year 1's Class Page!

You can find all the exciting things Year 1 will be doing this year on this page. 


In Year 1, we start our day at 8.45 at the Key Stage 1 door and we finish at 3.15 on the playground. Please make sure you are on time to help us make the most of our learning time.


Our PE day is Wednesday, please ensure that your child comes to school with PE trainers and long hair is tied up on this day.


Phonics homework will be given out daily. Books will be changed as often as possible but please ensure your child has their reading book in school every day. 


You can use this webpage to find out about our daily timetable as well as our termly plans. Make sure you check below for the fun learning we do in Year 1. 


We hope the children will have a fantastic time learning in Year 1. 

If you have any question, please do come and see us. 

Miss Newman and Mrs Harty 



If you missed our Phonics Meeting click below to see what you missed!

Year 1 and 2 had a visit from the Fire Service! We learnt lots of great ways to keep ourselves safe.

For our first Art lesson this term we learnt about the artist Andrew Goldsworthy. Then we went outside and made a class sculpture using natural resources in his style.

In RE we acted out the story of Jonah and the Whale!

In Art this week we explored how to join materials together, ready for the next few weeks when we will be making our own sculptures.

In Science this week we planted beans! We can't wait to watch them grow!

In Art this week we made our own frog inspired sculptures!

Look at our much our beans have grown over the past 4 weeks!

In Art this week we recreated our sculptures from clay. Can you tell what they are?

We joined Year 2 for PE with Miss Orpin! We had a great time!

We made some fantastic Easter gardens!

We used pastels to create some Easter pictures!

We recreated some of Ando Hiroshige's artwork!

We had an Easter hunt with Year 2!

In PSHE we worked with friends to make a welly and created a stretchy flower!

We created collages of the lonely beast.

We rewrote the story of the lonely beast's journey!

Number Day 2024: We had great fun running around the playground completing Numbercise!

We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 13)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 12)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 11)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 10)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 9)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 8)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 7)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 6)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 5)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 4)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 3)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 2)

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We created instructions for a jam sandwich, we filmed it as part of our computing lessons (Part 1)

Still image for this video

We tested different materials to see which ones would be best to protect Humpty Dumpty.

We tested the properties of different materials

We used an atlas to find India and the UK on a map!

We programmed bee bots to find treasure on out maps.

Spring Bulb Planting

English - Describing the Gingerbread Man using sentences and puncuation

In music we have been singing songs, playing the claves and are learning to read music!

In art we have been sketching features of our faces!

Phonics Play - you can find lots of games and activities on Phonics Play and it is now free!


Share a story!

More Maths ideas and activities for you to try!


Online Safety Guides